Should you still build a new website with PHP today?

Vitali Lutz
327 Words
1:37 Minutes

PHP is a programming language that allows web developers to create dynamic websites. PHP has become very popular over the years because it is free and open source.

If you want to create a website from scratch, you should definitely consider PHP. This is because it is easy to learn and can be customized well. Askqua is also based on PHP, which, along with JavaScript, provides some dynamic features.

PHP alone is not enough to create a website. You also need to use CSS, HTML and JavaScript to build a beautiful, modern and dynamic website.

PHP only does the background work, other languages and technologies are responsible for everything else, especially what the visitor sees on the website in the browser.

However, before you decide whether to use PHP or not, you should consider other factors such as cost, security and performance:

  1. Cost – PHP is free to use. Programming in PHP is very inexpensive. Whether you want to program yourself or hire someone to program a website using PHP, it is cheaper and faster than resorting to one of the many alternatives.
  2. Availability – PHP is available at every good web host. Other programming languages are rarely considered or only offered at extra cost.
  3. Security – PHP is very actively developed and has a large user and developer base. Security should definitely not be a problem with PHP.
  4. Performance – over the past few years PHP has been made faster and faster and stripped of old, outdated code. Today PHP is blazing fast if you write the code correctly.
  5. Syntax – a PHP code is very easy to read if you follow some coding standards. If at some point you give the code to another developer, he will quickly get the hang of it.

The question of whether or not you should start a website with PHP is clear:


PHP is good enough for the job and will definitely produce a satisfactory result if the programmer knows his stuff.

Sources & References

Vitali Lutz

About Vitali Lutz

Vitali Lutz is a versatile author on all aspects of business and technology. Thanks to his ability to adapt to a wide range of topics and his great thirst for knowledge, he writes about anything that interests him.

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