How to earn money as a freelancer with independent work

David Hanke
384 Words
2:00 Minutes

Are you looking for ways to earn money from home? Freelancing could be a good way to earn good money on the internet, even on the side.

There are numerous websites that offer freelance work. On some websites, you have to pay to post jobs – on others, you don't. There are also websites where you can apply for jobs right away. The most important thing is to choose a website that offers flexible payment options and pays its freelancers on time.

More and more people are freelancing. Working on a freelance basis is becoming more popular, not only because of the pandemics but also simply because you can do your work over the internet.

Getting started as a freelancer is easy.

  1. Sign up with job boards
    There are specific job boards on the internet where you can do jobs on a freelance basis. is a good platform that gives you a good start. You locate and register on the platforms before proceeding to the next step.
  2. Complete your profile
    No one will hire you for jobs if you don't have a complete profile stating what jobs you can do and where your expertise or value lies.
  3. Get jobs
    Once your profile is complete, you can either look for clients or let them find you. In the second option, you have to post all your activities separately as jobs on the platform.
  4. Receive payments
    For each completed job, you will receive a payment from the platform. Usually, payments are made at least once a month to the bank account or via PayPal.
  5. Expand the scope of activity
    To increase your income, you can think about what additional activities you can add to your work profile to get more orders and earn even more money. If you write texts, you could consider text translation as an additional activity.

Even though it sounds easy to make money as a freelancer, you should never forget that there is always more competition, which lowers the order value. The more demand there is, the less money everyone who does the same job gets.

That's why it's advisable to make sure you don't jump into the big pool but rather look for niche jobs, such as homepage creation for restaurants or virtual assistance for foreign calls. Being creative also pays off in freelancing.

David Hanke

About David Hanke

David Hanke is an engaging copywriter who writes compelling stories on a wide variety of topics. His writing style is both informative and understandable and invites the reader to engage with a wide range of topics.

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