Is Windows better for gaming than macOS?

Angelo Elmer
277 Words
1:15 Minutes

When it comes to games, there is no way around Windows for hardcore gamers. Most games are developed and optimized for Windows and quite often use technologies that only exist for Windows, such as DirectX.

Still, macOS is similar to Linux when it comes to games:

If the game "supports" the macOS or Linux platform, it will run just like it does on Windows, with no visible performance penalty, because the drivers work identically on all platforms.

Just because games are developed for Windows doesn't mean that other platforms, such as macOS, are worse for games. Apple, on the other hand, makes its own CPUs and GPUs so that its software and hardware work together as well as possible.

This means that a game designed for macOS will almost certainly run very smoothly, possibly even better than on Windows, because Apple's hardware and software are better matched.

If you take any Windows game and try to play it on macOS through emulation, performance will clearly fall by the wayside due to software emulation.

So we hold:

As long as a game is optimized for Windows or macOS and is officially supported, both platforms are equally suitable for gaming.

Ultimately, it is only about how well games are optimized for a platform. Then it shouldn't make a difference whether you play the games on Windows, macOS, Linux, or Xbox.

To specifically answer the question of whether Windows is better for gaming than macOS, you can answer in the affirmative because there are more games for Windows than for macOS, and that's why gamers choose Windows if they use the platform primarily for gaming. MacOS simply has other strengths.

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Angelo Elmer

About Angelo Elmer

Angelo Elmer, a wordsmith with a passion for storytelling, has mastered the art of telling multi-layered stories. His adaptable writing style translates seamlessly to a variety of topics and delivers informative and engaging content.

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