How much does it cost to have your own domain?

Vitali Lutz
227 Words
57 Seconds

A domain name is the address of your website on the Internet. If you want to build a successful online presence, you should invest in a good domain name. You will hardly find a serious website that does not spend money on its own domain.

A domain name is the address, or URL, of your website. For example, is the address of the homepage of Wikipedia. The domain name in this case is The addition "www" is free. This name costs money, and you have to pay for the domain at least one year in advance.

Domain name registration costs between $10 and $100 per year. The price depends on what type of domain name you want. There are three main types of domains that are popular in Germany:

  • .de (Germany, approximately $15 per year)
  • .com (commercial, approximately $20 per year)
  • .net (network, approximately $20 per year)
  • .org (organization, approximately $20 per year)

There are hundreds of other extensions available, including .bog, .store, .travel, and many others, for a few hundred dollars per year. In most cases, you choose one of the endings from the list above.

The domain can be bought from a registrar, for example, Namecheap, GoDaddy, or from a web hoster, which is usually cheaper, for example, Bluehost. I would choose a web hosting provider and get everything I need to get my website up and running.

Vitali Lutz

About Vitali Lutz

Vitali Lutz is a versatile author on all aspects of business and technology. Thanks to his ability to adapt to a wide range of topics and his great thirst for knowledge, he writes about anything that interests him.

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