How many people are needed to run an online business?

Vitali Lutz
255 Words
1:07 Minutes

If you look at the big internet companies like Facebook, Amazon, and many others, you will see that as the company grows, so does the number of employees.

The bigger a company gets, the greater the need for a larger staff.

If you look at startups, you will see that there are fewer than 10 people on board. Starting a business with 100+ people right out of the gate would be financial suicide – the company just isn't ready to fund that staff yet.

One step below are the website operators, freelancers, and other "lone wolves." These often do not need permanent employees because they are self-employed and do everything themselves.

They save on personnel costs, but they have to pay with their own time, which they could often use more productively than doing some unimportant work that has to be done but does not bring any money.

Well, how many people do you need for a functioning business?

If we limit ourselves to online business, then it is very realistic to start alone. You develop a plan and slowly start building the business. In many cases, this work can be done alone.

Later, when the business starts, you can hire more and more workers for certain jobs, for example:

  • Accountant
  • Designer
  • Assistant
  • Copywriter

All these people will perform certain tasks in the company and will pay for themselves, so to speak, if they work productively and are used efficiently. The time and direction of the company will show how many people are needed to drive a business.

Vitali Lutz

About Vitali Lutz

Vitali Lutz is a versatile author on all aspects of business and technology. Thanks to his ability to adapt to a wide range of topics and his great thirst for knowledge, he writes about anything that interests him.

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