How can Xpediter be utilized to debug COBOL programs within a CICS environment?

Ulrich Nolte
279 Words
1:17 Minutes

Have you ever wondered how programmers ensure that their computer programs operate error-free and smoothly? It is the moment we can explore how dealing with COBOL programs in a CICS environment can be made simpler by utilizing a tool called Xpediter.

Preparing your COBOL program

It's crucial to prepare your COBOL program for Xpediter before you begin addressing any bugs in it.

In order to do this, the program must be compiled with the appropriate option, linked with the Xpediter stub, and registered in the CICS program description table (PDT) in order for it to function with Xpediter.

Launching the session of xpediter

After setting up your software, you can start an Xpediter session. To initiate Xpediter, one must log in to the terminal and enter a command. This displays a menu from which you may select to debug a CICS program by entering information such as the transaction ID and program name.

Modifying and examining your software

You can tweak settings, create circumstances for when the application should pause, and even place breakpoints in the code of your program while in the Xpediter session to personalize your debugging experience.

To learn more about how your program is doing, you may also execute it and examine the system messages, file contents, and variable values.

Mastering xpediter debugging techniques

Through adherence to these guidelines and proficient utilization of Xpediter, you can streamline your debugging procedure and enhance your comprehension of your COBOL applications within a CICS setting.

How do you feel?

Have you ever attempted to debug a software? In what ways do you think Xpediter and other tools aid developers in writing better programs? Tell us what you think!

Ulrich Nolte

About Ulrich Nolte

Ulrich Nolte is a versatile writer with a penchant for research and creativity who moves through different topics with ease. His writing talent enables him to present complex issues in a clear and engaging way, reaching a wide readership.

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